“Bang!” He shot and shot almost like he was uncertain she was hit by the previous shots he made.
Shalane dropped to the floor almost like a log of wood and he watched with excitement as she bleed.
\”Woah…….What a day! Time to get a shower but first I need to get rid of the body.” He thought.
So he went straight to her bedroom, got a blanket from her cupboard and back to the living room. He then knelt down beside Shalane\’s body and for a moment he starred at her and with a loud voice he said.
\”Let us pray!\” With his head bowed down he made some rumblings and with a loud voice he shouted.
\”Amen, Amen, Aaamen!\”
He then faced Shalane\’s body and with a compassionate look on his face he said.
\”C\’mon Shalane can\’t you say Amen?\” He paused and with a surprised look on his face he said.
\”Oh! I forgot you are dead.\” He then laughed and laughed really hard.
\”Oh Dear!\” He said as he tried to catch his breath.
\”You are funny, you are really really funny but sorry its time to go.\” He said with a smile on his face.
He then rolled her body on to the blanket, wrapping it as though he was wrapping a present and up on his shoulder and straight to the car. As he got out of her apartment, the weight of the blood soaked blanket had left a stain on his shirt unknown to him. But he was more concerned about not being spotted as he quickly opened the door to the car and threw the body in the back seat and drove off. He was headed to the woods a few miles from Shalane’s apartment.
\”A good place to hide a body.\” He thought.
As he drove down the road he was flagged down by a Police officer patrolling the area. Apparently, he was over speeding.
As the Police officer approached his vehicle he was so tense that he considered zooming off but he knew it would only attract attention. So he put aside the thought as the officer was soon by his car.
\”Hello Sir.\” The Officer greeted.
“Hello Officer, any problem?” Arthur asked with a smirk on his face.
“You tell me son! You where driving above the speed limit.\” The Officer said.
\”Oh! My bad I did not know, my apologies, I was in a hurry, today\’s my marriage anniversary and am late for the celebrations and you know how ladies are.\” Arthur replied.
\”Tell me about it. My wife would kill me if I was late. Women!\” The Officer replied with a sigh.
\”Alright, off you go and be careful.\” The Officer added.
\”Yes Sir and have a nice day.\” Arthur replied.
As the officer turned away from the vehicle he noticed the stain on Arthur\’s shirt, first he thought it was nothing but then he noticed the blanket in the back seat. So he became curious.
\”What do you have in the back seat?” He asked.
“Nothing! Just an old blanket that needs some dry cleaning.” Arthur replied.
“Do you mind me taking a look?” The Officer asked.
“Why? I just told you it’s an old blanket in need of dry cleaning.\” Arthur responded in a rather loud voice.
As he muttered on and on, the Police officer kept looking through the car, it was then he noticed the blood dripping from the blanket. He immediately pulled out his gun.
“Your hands were I can see them.” He shouted.
Arthur looked confused and he just kept asking \”Officer, Officer wetin I do?\”
The Police Officer immediately pulled Arthur out of the vehicle slammed him against the door and handcuffed him.
He then opened the door to the back seat and rolled the blanket over and to his shock it was the body of a woman covered in blood. He immediately threw Arthur in the back seat got into the driver\’s seat and zoomed off.
Driving into the nearest hospital he got Shalane\’s body out of the car, locked the vehicle and rushed into the Emergency unit.
\”Somebody help me!\” He screamed as he got in.
Immediately Shalane\’s body was taken over by the medical personnel and she was rushed into surgery.
A few hours later the doctor walks into the waiting room.
“Hello Officer, the lady you brought in is a lucky woman, though she lost a lot of blood, we were able to stop the bleeding and stabilize her.”
“Thank God! Ah doctor I can not thank you enough.” The Officer replied with a big sign of relief.
“What about her family?” The Doctor asked.
“Still trying to reach them.” The Officer responded.
“Ok! She is a lucky woman.” The Doctor said again as he patted the Officer on the back and headed down the hall.
Few minutes later Shalane was wheeled out of the theatre into the patients ward. A few hours later she woke up but not on the hospital bed but in her apartment. Confused, she got out of her bed lifted her shirt and there were no plasters or bullet wounds.
“What’s going on? Am I dead?” She thought.
She picked up her phone and the date read the previous day.
“WTF is going on.” She thought.
All of a sudden the phone rings.
“Grrhhhh Grrhhhh Grrhhhh Grrhhhh”
She pauses starring at the phone and then she picks.
“Hello Shalane, its Arthur!”