Ideas matter only as long as you can effectively communicate them. Presentation is your path to achieving that so hold it dear.
Learn the art of speaking not the act.
Everyone has value to offer. Prepare like it matters and speak like you care.
Focus on the important. Worth is not defined in length but in content.
Confidence matters but it’s not all about confidence. Confidence is the tool not the objective, note the difference.
We all get cold feet before facing a large audience, keep your calm and get it over with.
No one is born an orator we all learn.
Presentation is about ensuring that people understand the message. Get people to listen not just hear.
People are not just listening to the message they are listening to you. Make that count.
If you think you have got something to lose, think again. It’s not all about reputation.
Composure speaks volume; don’t make yourself look stupid and unimportant.
Pronunciation is important, fluency is key but communication is paramount. Nobody wants to listen to you grammar. We can all speak English.
Don’t speak to impress, remember the objective. The impression will take shape on its own.
Understand your audience and adapt.
Prepare for questions, and respond smartly. Don’t answer questions in a manner that solicits more questions. Keep it short, simple and on point.
Don’t be on the defensive when questioned, it shows weakness, listen and respond don’t react.
Keep you tone don’t blaze up in emotions. Nobody needs all that we all have emotions too. So keep you \”ish\” together.
Gesticulate meaningfully and don’t go on throwing your hands around unintelligently.
Posture matters, don’t stand like you have been carrying a bag of cement, stand with confidence.
Don’t stand like a log of wood, if you have the opportunity move around.
If you are not good at humour, don’t even try it. Be yourself, be original. Nobody needs your dry jokes.
Be audible, people don’t need that bedroom voice.
Tread cautiously and if possible avoid social, political, religious and sexual divides, people take those things personal.
Don’t bow your head reading through your material like it’s a religious book. Show the audience your face, let them see the man.
Appearance matters, it projects you and reaffirms your message.
Timing! Don’t speak like you have got no other place to be. People have other places to be. So be time conscious.
Your start is as important as your finish. Leave your audience with something to remember.
Remember, the stage is your opportunity not at glory but at impact.
Your audience is waiting, go show them what you got.