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My loyal Flock and My Persistent Enemies

Writer: Peter OtaborPeter Otabor

I once sat with a gangster to discuss Leadership, Power, Loyalty and everything in between (a crazy idea you might say) but I was intrigued by his words that I spent the next few minutes listening to all he had to say and this was what I learned:

Power is the extension of human will, the ultimate aphrodisiac that is truly felt when men are subdued.

To some power is a right, to others, it is a tool and to the rest, it is the path to greatness. In all power creates the ultimate illusion of invincibility and its depths are wrought with the overwhelming sense of control which dominates its host. Truly power corrupts and ultimate power corrupts even more absolutely. So why then do men lust after power or even lust after anything? Regardless, power like all tools must be used and if used most absolutely creates fear and eventually control. That is all men want, control and that is where my relationship with my loyal flock and persistent enemies begin.

My Loyal Flock

Loyalty arises out of need not necessity.

I have always found the sheep to be an interesting animal not because of its rather calm nature but for its acclaimed loyalty.  It will follow its shepherd absent thought even to its slaughter. The ideal follower you might say. And in truth, leaders must look out for such people for they exude loyalty to a fault – the ultimate submission of will to the master. But while a leader must look out for such people he must be wary not to drag along dead weight. And he must never mistake foolishness for loyalty; a follower following mindlessly and unable to exercise his creative will without input from the leader.

There is no greater asset to a leader than loyal subjects and there is no greater threat to him than loyal subjects with ambition. Every man is ruled by a measure of ambition. Life is simply a game of interest nurtured by ambition. Ambition is what fuels the craving for power and its power and more power that sustains the urge. A loyal flock is simply the effect of subduing your flock with the exercise of power and this is achieved by replacing what they fear most.

Loyalty is an overrated virtue – truth or my shrewd perception. But regardless, one fact stands sure and it is that loyalty is absolute; an unwavering devotion without defiance. And as much as I have been made to believe that men can be truly loyal, I am still left with the doubt that surrounds human nature which is that a man is never truly loyal. All you need is to give him an opportunity and offer his desires then you will see the true image behind the veil. But notwithstanding all this, I am left with the question, what fuels loyalty? Is it the absence of ambition, the absence of choice or simply an unwavering love for the master? The defining point is identifying what keeps the flock loyal for there lies the invaluable power of the leader over the flock.

Fear is necessary and even more so a necessity in subduing the flock. It exudes false loyalty, one driven by the force that replaces choice with compulsion as men fear the unknown with great certainty even though it remains unknown. But like a double-edged sword, fear must be used with caution else you create dissidents and ultimately rebels. It must be used with guile to nurture Loyalty to establish and to maintain control. Fear is the tool and an example is a weapon.



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