It was like any normal day of the week in which nothing really interesting ever happened. I was at a cafeteria having breakfast and was almost done downing the rest of my tea when suddenly, she walked in.
She was probably five feet four inches tall, had chocolate skin, long hair (at least I think it was her natural hair), brown eyes and baby cheeks. She wore a pink wool body hug with short sleeves, blue jeans and pink sneakers. Something about her made me uneasy and restless in my seat but strangely, I liked it. I watched as she gracefully strolled up to the counter and made her order. While waiting to be served, she whipped her hair and turned in my direction. Yes, she turned in my direction and totally caught me off guard looking at her… watching her.
We locked eyes for what felt like an eternity and then she smiled, revealing the cutest dimples I had ever seen. Good Lord, I thought, she’s beautiful.
She received her order, paid the Cashier and chose a seat two tables away from mine. She stole lots of glances at me, a smile visible on her face each time she turned away. She’s beautiful and she finds me attractive. I’ve got to make a move!
Okay, it was on. The clock was ticking and time was running out. There’s only little time before a guy blows the opportunity of his lifetime. The stage was set and the actors were present, the green light was on and it was blindingly bright.
Alright, here I go.
I tried to stand but then my legs felt like jelly so they couldn’t support my weight. My palms were sweaty, my mouth was dry, and my intestines were tied in knots… What’s going on!? My breathing suddenly turned erratic. I raised my eyes to steal a glance at her and saw her curling a lock of hair around her finger, all the while staring at me. I dropped my eyes and made another pathetic attempt to stand but failed, miserably.
What’s happening here? Man up, Negro!
Minutes passed but nothing happened. I was getting desperate and I hated it. I am a man, I am a warrior! I am the hunter and she is the meat! I told myself all these ridiculous things to boost my confidence but sadly nothing worked.
Finally, I said to myself, “It’s now or NEVER.” I got on my feet ready to walk up to her and was just about leaving my table when I saw she was already occupied with another guy. I couldn’t give myself away, so I picked up my things in a manner that suggested I intended to leave.
It took painful strides to get me to her table and even more painful ones to get me past it and out the door of the cafeteria because every nerve in my body was screaming how badly I’d screwed it. What’s worse is that she didn’t even give me a look as I walked out. Sad!
I stood outside the cafeteria for a while feeling very sheepish, with the question: ‘What could have been?’ Seared in my head. Well, it was all over and there was nothing I could do about it.
Maybe next time though…
Heh! Yeah right!
But standing out there by myself, I realized one thing: most of my regrets aren’t about the things I’ve done but the bloody things I didn’t do.