If you could make your dreams come true what would they be? If you could make real the desires of your heart which ones will you choose? If you could make real your fantasies which ones would they be? What do you desire more than anything in this life and how far will you go to achieve them? Which mountain will you conquer and what heights will you climb in the endeavour? If you had the chance right now, to achieve everything, what would you choose?
Nothing keeps a man unfulfilled like the desires of the heart, awaiting the meaning of pursuit. Our desires are the very foundation of reason, creative thoughts in search of the light, the light of our rational being. What do you desire?
We are driven to exceed in all our ambitions but above all we can imagine. It all starts with imagination, that magic that must be fuelled by action. Desires are like dreams; they hold meaning in themselves and to discover them we must act on them. Action throws light on our desires and give meaning and clarity to them. It’s never enough to desire, as we must act. Action gives meaning and meaning is established in thoughtful action.
Belief! Nothing sinks a ship like doubt. Capacity and capability won’t matter one jot, once the captain loses faith in his vessel and he loses the ship. You can’t achieve anything without belief. It is this galvanising force of self-belief that triggers the unbelievable actions men take and sets them apart from the ordinary. It is an unshakeable belief that creates the courage, to take the step forward and it’s self-belief that will keep you on the course, even when the tides are slamming furiously against you in a nightmare storm, with jagged rocks all around.
Focus; the power of a laser lies not in its design or sophistication but in one singular characteristic; its ability to focus all its energy at one focused point and that gives it its power. Clear your doubts and establish clarity, that will allow you to focus on your desires. Focus will give you power, power not just to act but to translate desires into results.
If results were all that mattered, we would learn nothing in life. Efforts taken and the lessons learned along the road, carry as much weight as the results. The world only sees results but they neglect the fact that it was made possible by continuously driven efforts. But remember this, the only thing the world can do for you is recognise and remember you. It may change your state but it won’t change who you are. Your efforts are what truly shape you. Having the courage to learn from your mistakes and to forge ahead to make more, persevere in overcoming obstacles, pursue your desires tirelessly, and hope endlessly. That is what shapes men. No amount of results can teach you that, only effort can. So your efforts matter. If your actions don’t translate your desires into results, Rethink, Re-plan, and Respond with more action and a deeper sense of clarity.
We all have power to do great things within us. With great power comes great responsibility. Remember every man is accountable, if not to anybody but to self. You have the power so don’t misuse it, focus on impact and think value. Think of what you can do for others and you will feel a lot of joy and peace, more from touching other lives than anything else.
The question isn\’t whether there is an opportunity, a platform or means but rather whether there is a will. Will is fire; it burns deeper than any emotion. Do you have the will? It is not just power, it is the power behind the soul, it is the shrouded mystery of creation and in imagination, a power that opens doors to not just possibilities but endless realities. If you truly know what to achieve then exert your will to achieve it. Don’t just desire, will it and let your will drive your actions and let it keep you focused on the goal.
The power of decision. Nothing will give you more clarity like taking the decision to act. An indecisive man is not just unfocused, he lacks the will to do. Decide what you will do and channel your energy at it.
So what do you want more than anything and what keeps you from reaching it?