“If hardwork paid, if commitment mattered, if hope had any substance then my life would be far better than it was” I just failed my professional exams for the second time and I wasn’t sad but simply lost. “If” was the word I muttered on and on as I came to terms with failing again. If hardwork truly paid or efforts mattered, I wondered or if it was simply all about results.
I have failed more times than I can count but I have also learnt. I have learnt much more from my failures than my successes and regardless of my outcomes I learn to keep pushing because nothing is as bright as hope and nothing sustains like dreams. So I dream not hopelessly but with vigour and aspire even further. Success is given meaning because of failures; the 2nd and 3rd positions in a race give meaning to being first in that race. So I stay positive and show that positivity in all that I do. I am never scared of failing, I strive for success in all things but if my efforts don’t translate to results, I learn and I move on.
We are not defined by the outcomes of our pursuits. Outcomes are simply the reward of pursuit nothing more. The real investment is in the efforts we put into pursuit and nothing can truly repay that. So even if efforts don’t translate into results, it doesn’t make us failures but teaches us much more than we could learn from being successful, it teaches us perseverance and the act of unrelenting faith.
Move on! There is power in moving on so learn to. No amount of tears will change the past but moving on affords you the opportunity to rebuild. True strength lies in getting up after a fall. You owe nobody except yourself that. All your efforts must count and mean something. But it won’t if you stay down there drowning in tears and pity. The truth is you are better than when you started that journey, your efforts have made you better. So rise and with much vigour, learn and move on.
You are successful and you have always been regardless of your outcomes; live with this mentality. Your efforts matter so never let the cloud of failing dampen the mood. Failure is not defined by failing but by not having the courage to keep pushing. Remember life is all about learning and living so learn from your efforts and outcomes and resolve to live a better life because in the end efforts always pay.