I have seen men lost in the puzzle of life
Hope lost in the pursuit of change
Lives lost to the charms of death
Opportunities lost without pursuit
Riches plummet in debt
Greed destroy without thought
Action without results
Beauty wane in despair
But in all these I have seen
Love grow without bounds Laughter warm the heart with depth
Hope given substance
Limits pushed beyond the bounds of reason
I have seen that our lives are impact
Our path to choose, history to tell
We move the very essence that defines all things
The very things that make us
We learn, we love, we live, and we touch
And In the end we realize we are not just men
We are men with the power to create
To change
To impact lives beyond our time
Beyond history
Beyond everything that holds depth or meaning
We define our footprints on time
As our lives are but fragments of time forged into memories
Life given meaning
Hope given substance
And there stood joy overwhelmingly persisting
Because we lived!
Life is not short as our lives are defined in time not by time.
– Peter Otabor