If there is anything that Coronavirus has shown us as a people; it is that there are no societal distinctions or barriers.
As the world struggles with the impact of Coronavirus, we are constantly faced with new challenges from how we work, live and interact. Our world is changing and more so our understanding of it. While the efforts of governments, International agencies and health professionals are crucial in stemming the tide of infection and death; we as individuals owe it as a duty of care to stay safe and protect the ones we love. We must continually exercise caution and ensure that at all times, we keep ourselves and our families safe.
Hunger is still a problem in the world today and as the engines of the world\’s economies slow down, it is most likely the very source of succor to some of the world\’s downtrodden will be affected. In this period, we must remember the call to care and to share. We are our brother\’s keepers irrespective of colour, race, tribe or religion. If there is anything that Coronavirus has shown us as a people; it is that there are no societal distinctions or barriers. Anyone can be infected regardless of colour, race or social standing. We must as such learn from this and fight those societal prejudices as we lend a helping hand where we can.
Most importantly, we must be mindful of the impact of the pandemic on human livelihood. In the last few weeks I have been awaken to news of companies laying off their staff. While this is a reflection of the core human nature of survival, we must be careful not to lose our humanity in surviving. We must remember that survival is not achieved in isolation. In this period, employers must uphold the very values that define their identity and ultimately their brand. While measures must be taken to ensure the company stays afloat, the core focus should be to minimize the impact on your people. It is not enough to say you care, you must live it even in times of crisis.
Finally, optimism is key in these times. The world has been through worse times; the Spanish Flu in 1918, the World Wars, the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the Global Financial Crisis of 2007/2008 and it survived. We survived! We must as such not lose sight of hope and be continually positive. We must remember that in times of crisis, the very core of our existence is tested and it is in those times we must remain more resilient and adaptable. We must continually be optimistic as we fight for our world.
Stay Safe and Remember to Lend a Helping Hand.