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Writer: Peter OtaborPeter Otabor

We all grew up with these vivid dreams, these aspirations we developed, shinning as bright as the sun in our minds and our young faces lit-up with hope and our hearts filled with expectation. We never for once thought about failure or of not achieving our dreams, as our long lives stretched out before us, into the distance. We believed so naively that we could achieve them as long we worked hard enough like mummy and daddy said. And so we kept dreaming and we painted our own reality undistorted and perfected by our own imagination and it was beautiful, but not for long.

What happened? I guess we all grew up, we had to. We stumbled headlong into unflinching reality and it hurt. We crashed into the unyielding stones of survival and it changed us all, forever. We came to realise that those dreams we cherished, were childish, immature expectations, mirages absent of any profound thought and lacking the light of reason. They were fantasies, faint and tenuous aspirations of youth, who had not yet seen life in all its shades. And so we lost our imagination and we lost our self-belief along the way, clinging to our pursuit of survival.

We pursued our thought and ingrained meaning of a better life, a life that pays the bills, a life that offers the vague but beguiling promise of comfort and satisfaction. We cling to our faith and plough on regardless, as if this will sort out the remaining issues in our lives. Never once looking back, to review or consider our past actions and their undoubtable consequences. We reminisce too easily and look back through rose-tinted glasses, but do so rather in regret than joyfully. But if only we had achieved those marvellous dreams, those glittering prizes, how joyful would our lives be now? Would we be happier, feeling more fulfilled and feeling that our lives meant more than just surviving? You will never know sadly, unless you act now to turn things around, as one thing remains true in this fascinating and complex human existence, is that it is nevertoo late! So Dream! 

What does it mean to dream? What does it mean to perceive a reality so real, that we are willing to go great lengths to achieve them? Our dreams are a reflection not of our vain, material desires but the deepest expressions of our souls and nothing is wrought with so much meaning and depth, like your dreams. Imagine how your life would be, if you actually achieved your dreams. Dare to dream! Dare to dream new, exciting possibilities and dream of what you could become and really make of life. Be the dreamer and make those dreams come true, by believing in them absolutely and pursuing them vigorously until they come true. If we could make our dreams come true, what would we do to make it happen?




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