The perfect title for an action packed thriller or fantasy. Here we go. Action!
Change! Change! Change! Chants in the air, as supporters rejoice in the spoils of a well fought battle. A man’s unrelenting journey to the seat of power is eventually rewarded with the will to lead. Alleluia somebody! Change stands at the door knocking with meaning in its hands and passion its charge. Now to the task, first point of call; No guarantees! The disclaimer read aloud. I am no miracle worker so set your sights on reality. And so we set our hopes on character, the only sure guarantee for change.
Nigeria is awakened either to slumber or to life. She rises, ready to plough the virgin land of possibility either to fruitfulness or to pointless act. Chance to rebuild presented on the platter of mindless optimism, as we gaze into depths, holding on to possibility and basking in the euphoria of uncertainty. Rebuild! The first charge, tackle like the defender with ruthlessness the mindless corrupt, create with sheer ingenuity new lands of victory and stamp your defiance. Plunder the depths of reason and give hope substance absent falsehood. Rise up your brooms of optimism and sweep the pile of pervading decadence and root. Charge with fiery…